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Panel Advisors: Their role and responsibilities for fostering and permanency panels


Panel advisors have a complex role in managing the relationship between the agency and the panel, quality assuring and feeding back to all involved in panel work. This open course will enable panel advisors to examine this role in detail and build on effective practice as they carry out their role and responsibilities including: quality assurance; inducting new panel members; contributing to the appraisals of panel members; feeding back issues to the agency and working with the agency decision maker.

Past event

An Introduction to the Secure Base Model


This open course provides an introduction to the Secure Base Model framework and specific related tools which enable practitioners to assess prospective foster carers’ and adopters’ parenting capacities and on-going support needs.

Past event

Adult Health Assessments


Analysing adult health assessments is a key element of assessing adopters and foster carers. This includes providing reports and evidence-based comments so that panels can reach appropriate decisions. This course is designed to support medical advisers in their role. It is particularly suitable for new or inexperienced medical advisers.

Past event

Wellbeing for Members: Staying Connected in a Hybrid World


Join our monthly Wellbeing sessions, a place for our members to reflect on and boost their personal wellbeing. They will take place on the first Wednesday of every month, from 12pm to 1pm. These sessions will be led by therapeutic social worker Hedwig Verhagen. This month's session will focus on 'Staying Connected in a Hybrid World'.

Past event

Child Health Assessments


Child health assessments are a key component in permanence planning for looked after children. Medical Advisers need to be aware of the relevant legislation, statutory guidance and competencies framework. They are required to interpret information and present this in an informative and considered format for social care colleagues, panels and potential carers. This course will consider the Medical Adviser's role in adoption relating to children.

Past event

Robust Analysis and Evidence Based Connected Persons & Special Guardianship Assessments


This open course will be an opportunity to explore personal and professional values and thresholds in respect of assessing connected persons, including tools to assist in assessing the child’s and the Connected Persons’ continued relationship with the birth parents and any possible risks posed to the child and carer and how these can be managed.

Past event

Therapeutic Interventions: Making the right choices


This half day course is aimed at professionals who work with children and families who may benefit from a therapeutic intervention and would like to increase their understanding of different therapeutic approaches.

Past event

Wellbeing for Members - Exploring your strengths


Wellbeing for Professionals sessions will offer an opportunity to meet and share experiences with professionals from across the country, as well as a pause for reflection. The sessions will be led by therapeutic social worker Hedwig Verhagen.

Past event

Learning from Research Webinar: Permanency Planning for Children in Care – Are we on track?


Permanency Planning has become a core topic in the operation of the looked after children system. The term focusses on the importance for every child having a family for life. This webinar will reflect on the development of permanency planning and its evidence base. It will also explore the current challenges in delivering a permanence plan for every child and whether the current evidence indicates that we are on track in doing so. Presented by Dr John Simmonds OBE, Director of Policy, Research and Development, CoramBAAF.

Past event