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Agency decision makers: Their role and responsibilities for fostering and permanency panels


Decision makers in fostering and adoption agencies have a vital but often under-explored role. Many decision makers describe finding themselves in the role with little or no preparation, and with few arenas locally to share dilemmas or discuss best practice. What is the best process for reaching a sound decision? How can you avoid it simply becoming a ‘rubber-stamping’ exercise? What is your role in relation to the quality assurance of the panel’s activities? How should a decision maker appraise a panel chair? What does a reasonable decision look like? How should it be conveyed?

Past event

Panel Advisors: Their role and responsibilities for fostering and permanency panels


Panel advisors have a complex role in managing the relationship between the agency and the panel, quality assuring and feeding back to all involved in panel work.

This open course will enable panel advisors to examine this role in detail and build on effective practice as they carry out their role and responsibilities including: quality assurance; inducting new panel members; contributing to the appraisals of panel members; feeding back issues to the agency and working with the agency decision maker. Case scenarios, group work and practice application will provide opportunities for panel advisors to address shared dilemmas and good practice.

Past event

Learning from Research | Experiences of contact with birth parents for special guardian families


Special guardians are usually family members or family friends who look after a child when the birth parent is deemed not able to, often due to the child being at risk of abuse or neglect despite interventions and support from social services. Michelle Hall's PhD explores the experience of contact from both the perspective of the special guardian and the birth parent. The study explores special guardians' experience and identifies three core areas of importance when managing contact with birth parents. This session will discuss each of those areas in depth, including how the findings may impact practice and the way we support special guardians with contact.

Past event

Managing allegations and monitoring standards of care in foster care


Foster carers are susceptible to allegations and/or complaints which will impact on the whole fostering household and their future as care givers. How should we as a profession respond to these situations in a sensitive, timely manner, whilst giving due regard to the safeguarding of children as well as the needs of carers and their household? This open course will address the process for distinguishing standards of care concerns from allegations or complaints, with opportunities to share good practice in recruiting, reviewing and supporting foster carers.

Past event

The role of the supervising social worker: Supervising and supporting foster carers


The open course will help to increase the understanding of the supervisory requirements of supervising social workers, in line with fostering legislation. It will look at roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children and young people and how foster carers can be supported and developed in their role.

Past event

Relinquished babies


This open course will look at the relevant statutory frameworks and recent case law, the challenges of working with relinquished babies and their parents, some of the complexities of the background histories of relinquished babies, the importance of counselling for relinquishing parents, care planning and the support needs of relinquished children and their adopters.

Past event

Outbound Permanence Team | Viability and support plans for children living in the UK and being placed overseas to live with kinship carers


This half-day training is aimed at local authority professionals who are involved in the placement of children currently living with kinship carers in the UK; being placed overseas with kinship carers. It will provide an overview of the available research and Outbound data for children being placed abroad. There will then be ample time to discuss issues regarding viability and support plans for overseas cases during case studies and group discussion.

Past event

Lunch & Learn | Embracing diversity: supporting trans, non-binary, and gender diverse adopters


As LGBTQ+ people are an ever-increasing proportion of adopters, it's crucial that adoption agencies and professionals adapt to the diverse needs and identities of prospective adoptive parents. New Family Social is the UK’s peer support charity for LGBTQ+ adopters, foster carers, and special guardians. Our presentation will shed light on the unique challenges and opportunities that trans, non-binary and gender diverse people experience within the adoption process. This presentation will equip adoption professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to create an inclusive and supportive environment.

Past event

An introduction to the secure base model


The Secure Base Model devised by Gillian Schofield and Mary Beek (UEA) focuses on the interactions that occur between caregivers and children, through the provision of a positive framework for therapeutic caregiving, which helps infants, children and young people to move towards greater security and builds resilience.

Past event