Supporting kinship carers of Ukrainian refugee children
We recently marked a dark milestone in the war in Ukraine – it has been 500 days since the start of the conflict which continues to devastate lives.
Across Europe, people have helped children and their families fleeing the war, including many in the UK, and some Ukrainian refugee children are now living with kinship carers in the UK.
We know that the situation they face is often complex and the professionals we work with tell us that they are not always sure about how to best help or where to get the right information. To address this, CoramBAAF, Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Children and Families Across Borders and Family Rights Group came together to pool their specialist expertise.
We have produced a set of comprehensive FAQs to help professionals navigate the tricky interface between social care and immigration law. We will also produce more easily accessible resources over the next few months so keep an eye out for more materials coming your way.
Thank you to Save the Children UK for funding this work.