Outbound permanence service joining CoramBAAF
IAC – The Centre for Adoption is joining the Coram Group of charities on 1 July and will become CoramIAC.
CoramIAC will continue to deliver its core programme of preparing, assessing and supporting prospective adopters through the adoption process and working with them to be matched with children from across the world. Each year, IAC receives over 2,500 new enquiries, 1,000 follow up enquiries and works with over 100 new families, supporting them through the process.
As part of the move, CoramIAC will transfer its outbound permanence service to CoramBAAF. The outbound permanence service will continue to provide expert consultancy and advice to local authority teams and there will be no immediate changes to how the service is run.
We are thrilled to be joined by new colleagues with such expertise and knowledge of supporting local authorities seeking to place children with family members in other countries.
If you have any questions about the new development in CoramBAAF, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at ellen.broome@corambaaf.org.uk.
Ellen Broomé, Managing Director, CoramBAAF