CoramBAAF Bookshop

Displaying 101 - 110 of 204

Contact after adoption summary

| Elsbeth Neil, Mary Beek and Emma Ward

Decisions about contact between an adopted child and their birth family are an essential part of the child’s placement plan and need to take into account the child’s welfare. It is therefore essential to understand how contact affects adopted children throughout their lives. This short book presents a summary of the findings of the Contact after Adoption study, which followed up a group of adopted children, their adoptive parents and birth relatives, where some form of post-adoption contact was planned.

Dogs and pets in fostering and adoption

| Paul Adams

This Good Practice Guide has been developed alongside assessment forms for dogs and other pets, and provides advice on completing these forms, with samples included for guidance. It will be helpful in assisting fostering services and adoption agencies to develop carefully considered, logical and proportionate policies in relation to dogs and other pets.

Ten top tips for devising a care plan

| Erica Amende and Linda Patterson

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This quick reference guide considers some fundamental steps involved in devising a care plan.

Ten top tips for placing disabled children

| Hedi Argent

The Ten Top Tips series considers some of the fundamental themes in child care practice in concise, practical guides ideal for busy practitioners. This book provides an essential checklist for anyone seeking the right new family for a disabled child.

Managing difficult behaviour

| Clare Pallett, Kathy Blackeby, Caroline Bengo, William Yule, Roger Weissman, Stephen Scott with Eileen Fursland

This guide aims to provide foster carers with new skills to help them manage a child’s behaviour and improve their relationship with him or her.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

| Multiple

In this special edition of the journal, experts tackle the realities of FASD and answer key questions, including: how does prenatal exposure to alcohol affect the developing brain?; how much (or little) is the problem understood by professional groups?; what are the experiences of community paediatricians, teachers and adoptive parents working on the ground?; and why does UK policy on abstinence from alcohol in pregnancy lag so far behind that of other countries?

Stepfamily adoption: what it is & what it means

| Jo Francis

What is stepfamily adoption, and why is it important? How does it happen, and how long does it take? What will it change in a child’s life, and what will stay the same? These, and many other questions about stepfamily adoption and what it is, are covered in this booklet for children.

Completing a child's permanence report

| Elaine Dibben with Lyn Bugarski, Nicky Probert and Julia Wilson

This guide is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based permanence report for a looked after child. It is to be used by assessing social workers to complete a Child’s Permanence Report using the CoramBAAF Form CPR (for England).

Facilitating adoptions from care

| Susan Livingston Smith and Donaldson Adoption Institute staff

This fascinating collection examines child welfare research, permanency and practice across England, the US and Canada, three countries which have established permanency as a priority for children in care who are unable to return home.