Working with schools
Get your copies of the most popular titles in our Parenting Matters series. These books address key areas around trust, behavioural issues and trauma, and how these can affect children’s behaviour and learning in education. This bundle has been carefully curated for those working with schools to establish better outcomes for children and young people in care. Despite this, the titles in this bundle are applicable within and outside of education settings.
Parenting Matters: Parenting a child with difficulties in learning caused by trauma
This title in the Parenting Matters series provides authoritative, clinical guidance for carers and adopters on why these learning difficulties can occur and what can be done about them.
Parenting Matters: Parenting a child who has experienced trauma
This guide explores traumatic experiences and their effects on children at different stages of development. It provides expert knowledge coupled with facts, figures and guidance presented in a straightforward and accessible style.
Parenting Matters: Parenting a child with emotional and behavioural difficulties
This book provides expert knowledge coupled with facts, figures and guidance presented in a straightforward and accessible style. A foster carer and adoptive parents also describe what it is like to parent a child with emotional and behavioural difficulties, sharing their parenting experience and offering useful advice.