Josh and Jaz have three mums
Josh and Jaz are five-year-old twins who have been adopted by a lesbian couple, Sue and Fran. When their school teacher asks them to produce a family tree, they are worried that everyone in their class will laugh because they have two mums – and what will they say about their birth parents?
Sue and Fran help the children to understand that every family tree will tell a different story and that families come in all shapes and sizes. This heartwarming story encourages an understanding and appreciation of same-sex parents and other diverse family groupings.
Who is this book for?
Young children aged five and above. It can be used in a general way to teach children about different families, but will be particularly useful for those who are, or who are to be, adopted or fostered by same-sex parents or carers.
What you will find in this book
The simple story and clear pictures provide a gentle introduction to showing children that families come in all shapes and sizes, and address some common worries that children may encounter, such as making family trees at school.
Hedi Argent is an independent adoption consultant, trainer and freelance writer. She has written and edited many books for CoramBAAF including Adopting a brother or sister, Dealing with disruption and a guide for children about kinship care, Kinship care: what it is and what it means.
Amanda Wood has been producing illustrations for children for 20 years.
Josh and Jaz are five year old twins. When their teacher announces that the children are to make family trees the next day, the twins are upset. Will they be laughed at because they have two mums? The mums are very understanding and they all set about helping make a family tree. This is a quality paperback production from BAAF with lots of details about adoption. The illustrations are warm and understanding, and this should make an excellent source of information for either adopted children or children with parents of the same sex.
This is a story about adopted twins who live with two mums, and the concerns the children have when they have to present their family tree to their class at school. Our own family (two mums and a 12 year old) really enjoyed it. While intended for younger children, the book provides a fun opportunity for all ages to recall and discuss similar events in their own lives.
DIVA Magazine